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Abengoa criminal lawsuit




When all seems lost, even hope and with it the savings, now after the agreement signed between the injured parties of Abengoa and Iuris&Factor, Justice will have to decide whether it is legal in Spain that the directors of a listed company, together with third party companies, take the decision to «expropriate» its shareholders, so that the productive activity passes into the hands of third parties, without paying for it.

Thus, we are going to request the reproach of such conducts, by filing a criminal lawsuit against all those who have taken the decisions that we denounce and especially against the companies that have benefited illicitly.

If you are a shareholder of Abengoa SA and you are not resigned to see how others take away all your investment and your savings, you are in time to join the joint effort that we are going to start, in this link.

This is the first news of others that we will be publishing, along with press clippings, which you can see, the last, at these: link (Ok Diario), link (El Español)

If you are wondering if we are going to take legal action against Abengoa SA, the answer is no. And we are not going to do it for several reasons that we will explain, and you will see that they are reasonable and easily understandable.

There is still a lot of work to do, but we have already started, and we will not stop until justice recognizes the crimes that have been committed, the beneficiaries are identified and all of them compensate the victims for their losses and indemnify them.